Here are the results from a survey of how different people flip the bird… Ok, so maybe there was no science involved and it’s really just a collection of people giving the finger however they felt like doing it at the time.
1.) Present it as if it were a golden shrine for people to worship
1.) Present it as if it were a golden shrine for people to worship
2.) Have fun with it and point it in all directions.
3.) Let someone know, "you will never get this.."

4.)Practice by giving yourself a finger in the mirror.

5.) Tell the people what you think of their approval ratings.

6.) While wearing a green shirt in front of a yellow wall.

7.) Let the youth of America know what you think of their baggy pants.

8.) While you're taking your pants off.
9.) When the paparazzi is all up in your face

10.) Let a show off know you still hate them.
11.) While you're out for a drive.

12.) You could give the finger to the camera like this douche.

13.) When you can't put it down when you tried.
14.) With a gun to show people you really mean it.
15.) Under the table for those who are peeking.
16.) Send it off with a kiss.
17.) With a box on your head hanging out the window of a stolen municipal vehicle.
18.) Yell while giving a finger to make it more meaningful.
19.) Be sneaky with it.
20.) With angel wings on.
21.) On your wedding day.
22.) While showing off your perfect figure.
23.) Naked.
24.) Without showing your face.
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