Waiting On Sex Before Marriage
In this day and age, you would be realistically able to date a guy/girl who didn't want to have sex before you were both married. Ideally, the fairy tale is that on the night of your wedding, you would consummate the union with an all night porkfest. But those traditional ways seems to no longer be practiced anymore.
I have no friends who are a "couple" that aren't currently having sex. Is it impossible to wait? How important is making sure you are sexually compatible with your partner before you both decide to get married? Or perhaps even more realistically, can you control your sexual desires and wait it out?
Can you wait on sex until marriage?
Creative PINOY Meals
1. TAPSILOG - Tapa, Sinangag, Itlog
2. LONGSILOG - Longganisa, Sinangag, Itlog
3. HOTSILOG - Hotdog, Sinangag, Itlog
4. PORKSILOG - Pork, Sinangag, Itlog
5. CHICKSILOG - Chicken, Sinangag Itlog
6. AZUCARERA - Adobong Aso
7. LUGLOG - Lugaw, Itlog
8. PAKAPLOG - Pandesal, Kape, Itlog
9. KALOG - Kanin, Itlog
10. PAKALOG - Pandesal, Kanin, Itlog
11. MAALOG NA BETLOG - Maalat na Itlog, Pakbet, Itlog
12. BAHAW - Bakang Inihaw (akala ninyo kaning lamig ano)
13. KALKAL - Kalderetang Kalabaw
14. HIMAS - Hipon Malasado
15. HIMAS SUSO - Hipon Malasado, Sugpo, Keso
16. HIMAS PEKPEK - Hipon Malasado, Kropek, Pinekpekan
17. PEKPEK MONG MALAKI - Kropek, Pinekpekan, Monggo, Malasado, Laing, Kilawin
18. DILA - Dinuguan, Laing
19. DILAAN MO - Dinuguan, Laing, Dalandan, Molo
20. BOKA BOKA - Bopis, Kanin, Bokayo, Kape
21. BOKA BOKA MO PA - Bopis, Kanin, Bokayo, Kape, Molong Pancit
22. KANTOT - Kanin, Tortang Talong
23. KANTOT PA - Kanin, Tortang Talong, Pancit
24. SIGE KANTOT PA - Sinigang na Pige, Kanin, Tortang Talong, Pancit
25. SIGE KANTOT PA IBAON MO - Sinigang na Pige, Kanin,Tortang Talong, Pancit - Take out
26. SIGE KANTOT PA HA - Sinigang na Pige, Kanin,Tortang Talong, Pancit, Halo-halo
27. SIGE KANTOT PA IBAON MO PAPA! - Sinigang na Pige, Kanin, Tortang Talong, Pancit... (Take out with Ketchup)
28. PAKANTOT - Pandesal, Kanin, Tortang Talong
29. PAPAKANTOT - Papaitan, Kanin, Tortang Talong
30. PAPAKANTOT KA BA - Papaitan, Kanin, Tortang Talong, Kapeng Barako
31. PAKANTOT SA YO - Pandesal, Kanin, Tortang Talong,Saging + Yosi
32. PAKANTOT KA - Pandesal, Kanin, Tortang Talong,Kape
33. PAKANTOT KA HABANG MATIGAS PA - Pandesal, Kanin, Tortang Talong, Kape, Inihaw na Bangus, Maruya,Tinola, Ginisang Aso, Pancit
34. SUBO! - Sugpo, Bopis
35. SUBO MO - Sugpo, Bopis, Molo
36. SUBO MO PA - Sugpo, Bopis, Molo, Pancit
37. SUBO MO PA MAIGE - Sugpo, Bopis, Molo, Mais, Pige
38. SUBO MO TITE KO - Sugpo, Bopis, Tinola, Teryaki,Kochinta
39. SUBO MO TITE KO BILIS - Sugpo, Bopis, Tinola Teryaki, Kochinta, Bihon, Tawilis
Things you don't want to hear during your own surgery.
G: Yes
B: No
G: I said yes
B: I said No
G: If I say yes, i say yes, and i said no, and no
G: i said no
B: I said no first
G: I said no first
B: No I said no first
G: I said no first
G: you be quiet
B: No you be quiet now
G: You be quiet Im 4 you not 4
B: now im a 4, you..???????
G: You are not 4 Im 4
B: No I do, you're disrespectin'
G: You are bad
B: No you are bad
G: Ima tell your mom you are go home
B: GO!
(best argument ever)
MMA Double Knockout!
I've always thought that mixed martial arts is a serious sport and something not to be laughed at --- until this..
Youtube War!

Yesterday, I mean the day before yesterday..
totep: emo.
latino: how is this emo? stop fukin leavn messages that have no sense
totep: oh uhm...sorry, i should have said , suicidal?
latino: ok so its suicidal when a guy likes a girl so much he is willing to give up his live for her? so is it suicidal if a country goes to war to protect their country because they love it? or why is this a suicidal song?
totep: die
latino: right bak at u
skater: Yeah, lets call a song emo and suicidal, but tell someone to die. Are you fucking kidding me? Shut up.
totep: hey skater, have u seen any message from me that ive cursed someone else on this page? NO, ryt? i just said emo. whats wrong with that? y did this mexican borrito started an argument on me? i didnt hit him first ryt? emos!
totep: hey borrito, yes! giving up ur life for someone is suicidal. and bcoz this is what those emo guys are listening to when their broke, the nxt thing u know, they already have this rediculous hairstyles and red make up. wait? are u the one who wrote this song? y u seem so affected? are u trying to commit suicide? lol
latino: ok u tell me u jump in front of a bullet goin to someone else u love deeply and unfortunatly u die is that suicidal? is it suicidal when u protect ur family or someone u love and unfortunatly u die but u got to save them? is that suicidal? and justc uz u have a broken heart dont mean u gonna b emo ive been heart broken b4 and ive listened to this song and it makes shit better and no i aint tryin to commit suicide and no i didnt make this song im just tired of fukers like u sayin shit
skater: You told him to die, ain't much of a difference. I doubt very many people here actually are emo. I like this song, my friend sent it to me before she ran away. I listen to a shit ton of hip hop. Suicidal would be ending your life in a selfish way, not for a friend. Jumping in front of a fucking bullet headed towards your little sister wouldn't be suicidal.
totep: why am i wasting my time on u emo-skater boy? respect my opinion about this and keep ur fcking mouth shut. get some education. go to iraq and take some bullets for urself.. learn to respect others opinion. trasher!
totep: ei u mexicano shit..de puta madre or however it is u say in ur native borrito language. fck u and ur emo bullshit, go be a hero, i dont give a damn about u. u full of hate stupid pinyata. go see a doctor. EMO fck! go to iraq and take some bullets, go with that stupid fcking skaterboi.
latino: ay fuck u puto verga go suck on ur mamas pija dont b sayin shit bout my country and people pinche polar bear i guess u would never give ur life for anyone since u prob too stupid too know who is good in ur life one mexican died attackin an armed man shootin up a place but he died in the process of savin many people but ur the one thats makin full of hate sayin shit without even knowing wat u talkin about and i cant even ride a fuken skateboard pinche gringo pendejo
totep: hahaha, this is so much fun than i've ever imagined..
(all because of this song: Your Guardian Angel - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus)
Jonestown Massacre
A great documentary on cult leader Jim Jones and the infamous suicides in Guyana.
Top 20 Unfortunate Lessons Girls Learn From Twilight...

1.If a boy is aloof, stand-offish, ignores you or is just plain rude, it is because he is secretly in love with you — and you are the point of his existence.
2. Secrets are good — especially life-threatening ones.
3. It’s OK for a potential romantic interest to be dimwitted, violent and vengeful — as long as he has great abs.
4. If a boy tells you to stay away from him because he is dangerous and may even kill you, he must be the love of your life. You should stay with him since he will keep you safe forever.
5. If a boy leaves you, especially suddenly (while telling you he will never see you again), it is because he loves you so much he will suffer just to keep you safe.
6. When a boy leaves you, going into shock, losing all your friends and enduring night terrors are completely acceptable occurrences — as long as you keep your grades up.
7. It is extremely romantic to put yourself in dangerous situations in order to see your ex-boyfriend again. It’s even more romantic to remember the sound of his voice when he yelled at you.
8. Boys who leave you always come back.
9. Because they come back, you should hold out, waiting for them for months, even when completely acceptable and less-abusive alternative males present themselves.
10. Even though you have no intention of dating an alternative male who expresses interest in you, it is fine to string the young man along for months. Also, you should use him to fix things for you. Maybe he’ll even buy you something.
11. You should use said male to fix things because girls are incapable of anything mechanical or technical.
12. Lying to your parents is fine. Lying to your parents while you run away to save your suicidal boyfriend is an extremely good idea that shows your strength and maturity. Also, it is what you must do.
13. Car theft in the service of love is acceptable.
14. If the boy you are in love with causes you (even indirectly) to be so badly beaten you end up in the hospital, you should tell the doctors and your family that you “fell down the steps” because you are such a silly, clumsy girl. That false explanation always works well for abused women.
15. Men can be changed for the better if you sacrifice everything you are and devote yourself to their need for change.
16. Young women should make no effort to improve their social skills or emotional state. Instead, they should seek out potential mates that share their morose deficiencies and emotional illnesses.
17. Girls shouldn’t always read a book series just because everyone else has.
18. When writing a book series, it’s acceptable to lift seminal source material and bastardize it with tired, overwrought teenage angst.
19. When making or watching a major feature film, you should gleefully embrace the 20 minutes of plot it provides in between extended segments of vacant-eyed silence and self-indulgent, moaning banter.
20. Vampires — once among the great villains of literature and motion pictures — are no longer scary. In fact, they’re every bit as whiny, self-absorbed and impotent as any human being.
Sex Education
This is very graphic and 18 and over are the only ones that are allowed to watch. Use it with education as your motive, please.
Men quicker to say 'I love you'.

It is a cliché of romance – that men find it hardest to blurt out those three crucial words: "I love you".
But while men take an average of seven months to tell a new partner that they love them, women take almost eight months, according to the dating survey conducted for Stella magazine.
But while men take an average of seven months to tell a new partner that they love them, women take almost eight months, according to the dating survey conducted for Stella magazine.
"This is because women mature sooner than men and develop to be more hard-nosed, realistic and in touch with their emotions,"
"So when a man says 'I love you' it might be his way of dealing with a lot of complex, difficult emotions that he doesn't really understand, whereas when a woman says it, it might carry a greater weight. The classic cliché is that "men use love to get sex and women use sex to get love."
Kofi with ice please...
Napa-isip lang, bakit tuwing nasa Starbucks, palaging my kodakan bago inumin ang kape? Tapos sabay sabi "my favorite" kahit naka-isa o dalawang beses pa lang umistambay dun?
Signals Men Give When They Lie
Just to be fair with the female species, this is a respond to my previous post. But as most men do, we don't give as much clues about anything, specially when telling lies. LoL..
Ladies, next time you question your guy’s honesty, watch for these little clues to find out whether or not he’s telling the whole truth.
1) He looks up and to the left
The next time you ask him a sticky question or he wants to explain himself to you, note which way he looks. If his eyes move up to the right, he’s recalling information from his memory. If he looks up and to the left, there’s a good chance that he’s inventing the answer. Take this quiz to see how well you can decode guy-speak.
2) He toys with his ears or his nose.
If your guy starts toying with his ear or nose (and he doesn’t have allergies), be suspicious. When a guy is being deceptive, it’s common for blood to rush to his face. His nose and ears will get warm and begin to itch, causing him to unconsciously rub or scratch them. Read these signs to tell if he’s cheating.
3) He shifts in his chair or taps his fingers
These tics may make it seem like he’s just plain nervous, but if they’re done while he’s explaining himself to you, they actually indicate that he could be fibbing. Want more? Read the body language of liars and you'll be able to catch him in the act.
4) He covers his mouth with his hand.
This guy is probably lying. When he unconsciously obstructs your view of his lips, it’s a sign that he’s trying to block the truth from slipping out. In addition, he might lick his lips and look away from you— directing his eyes down and to the right. These little moves reveal what's bugging him.
5) His nose grows longer
10 Signs That She is Lying to You
Have you ever had the sinking feeling that your girlfriend is lying to you? Whether she is lying about whether or not she is being faithful, where she spent last week’s paycheck or about whether or not you are the best lover she has ever had, there are a few telltale signs that you can watch for that will tell you if she is lying. While you probably cannot be 100% certain, these 10 signs can serve as good indicators of how truthful she is being.
Sign #1: Swallowing
You probably catch yourself frequently focusing on that luscious mouth of hers, so why not focus your attention on whether or not that mouth is telling a lie? Nearly everyone experiences a certain level of stress when he or she is lying, which causes constriction in the esophageal muscles. Since these muscles are used for swallowing, your lying girl may frequently swallow while she is laying a load of bull on your shoulders.
Sign #2: Licking Those Lips
While your girl may occasionally lick her lips seductively in order to get your motor running, licking her lips may also be a sign of telling a fib. This is because another side effect of stress is decreased saliva production, which means she may be suddenly left with a case of dry mouth when she tries feeding you a line. She might also clench her jaw or tighten her lips while talking to you.
Sign #3: Answering with Questions
In an effort to stall or to avoid lying to you outright, she may start answering your question with another question. Don’t let her get away with this tactic or allow her to stall – push for answers and don’t get sidetracked by her questions.
Sign #4: Selective Memory
Another way to avoid telling an outright lie is to suddenly “forget” certain details. Again, pressing her for answers and asking for details will help you find out whether she is telling the truth or spinning a tale. Make certain to remember the details she shares, because she will likely contradict her own story if she is telling a lie.
Sign #5: Changes in Skin Tone
Many women also experience a change of skin tone when lying, which may be characterized by either getting suddenly flush or pale.
Sign #6: Voice Changes
Unless she is a pre-pubescent boy, your girl’s voice shouldn’t be cracking or changing pitch as she tells you her story. If her vocal tone changes or if her talking speed falters or speeds up, she is probably trying to think of the next part of her story or her nerves have gone into overdrive and she is having difficulty maintaining her normal breathing patterns.
Sign #7: Hiding Her Hands
Hands are more expressive than you may realize, which is exactly why she will subconsciously want to hide them from you. Therefore, if she is lying to you, she will likely keep her hands behind her back or under her armpits. If she thought through her story beforehand, however, she may keep her hands exposed but they will be resting in a an unnatural position – such as resting flat on top of a table or hanging down by her side.
Sign #8: Pupil Dilation
No matter how skilled she is at telling a lie, the one thing she won’t be able to control is pupil dilation. When you are under duress and your nerves kick in, your pupils will begin to dilate. If she has something to hide, she will likely get quite nervous as she tells you her story and her pupils will begin to spread with every word she utters.
Sign #9: Eye Movement
In a subconscious effort to prevent you from noticing her dilated pupils and because her guilty conscience makes it difficult for her to look you in the eye, she will likely begin to dart her eyes from side to side. She may also start blinking more than usual or possibly even lower her head completely so she doesn’t have to face you.
Sign #10: Playing with Herself
Before you get excited, playing with herself doesn’t mean what you think. Rather, she may start to fiddle with something in her hand in an effort to dispel her nervous energy. Or, she may begin rubbing or otherwise touching her own arms.
It is important to note that a woman displaying just one of these signs isn’t necessarily lying. Obviously, there can be other reasons for experiencing dry mouth or for expressing other signs from this list. In addition, your girl may show some other signs that aren’t on this list. So, pay close attention to her actions and try to get to know what is normal for her and what she does when you know she is lying. Still, if your girl is exhibiting three or more of these signs, chances are pretty good that you have a liar on your hands.
When Can You Stop Laughing?
This guy can´t stop laughing at his guest´s voice. To make things worse, there are two strange voices in his talk show. That laughter cost him his career, and he will remember forever this "blooper".
Shannon Brown with the greatest missed dunk of all time?
This is really just an awesome picture. Yeah, you can kinda tell that he's missing the dunk, but that doesn't even matter. The line from the ball to his foot is amazing. It's like the super-leaningest (totally a word) dunk attempt ever and it looks great. Plus, Kobe's face is hilarious.
Too bad Shannon Brown missed. If he hadn't, we'd be talking about one of the best dunks ever.
Too bad Shannon Brown missed. If he hadn't, we'd be talking about one of the best dunks ever.
Lin Yu Chun
As a younger man, Taiwan's Lin Yu-chun sang for hours on end, trying to get his mind off the sneers he endured because of his portly figure.
The round-faced soprano with the bowl haircut never imagined his voice would one day transform him into an international sensation.
But now, he is being compared to Britain's Susan Boyle, the plain-looking 48-year-old who shot to stardom after singing "I Dreamed a Dream" on "Britain's Got Talent."
Lin's Whitney Houston-like rendition of "I Will Always Love You" on Taiwan's "Avenue to Stardom" talent show last Friday has already racked up some 1.3 million views on YouTube, and the number is climbing fast.
For the 24-year-old with the disparaging nickname of "Little Fatty," the event has been a life-changer.
"I now have more confidence in pursuing a singing career," Lin told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "You don't have to be a good-looking man or woman to succeed. Just be yourself and try your best."
Lin said he had long suffered from a lack of self-confidence because of his plain looks and rotund figure.
"Being fat draws a lot of mockery in our society," he said.
To cope with the pain of his exclusion, he locked himself in his room and sang along with the songs of Celine Dion and Mariah Carey.
But the artist who really grabbed him was Houston — particularly the song "I Will Always Love You," from the soundtrack to the 1992 film "The Bodyguard."
"I played it again and again even though my parents couldn't stand it any more and asked me to stop," Lin said.
Lin has had a bumpy start to stardom.
After graduating from college last year, he failed to make much of an impression on another Taiwanese talent show, where judges criticized both his looks and his high-pitched voice.
"One said I should instead pursue the career of a comedian, and another questioned whether it was right for a man to sing soprano," he said.
Now all that is behind him.
"(The show) has reinvigorated me," he said.
Still, Lin said, he is doing his best not to let his new found fame go to his head.
"I'm trying not to be overwhelmed," he said.
Top 10: First-Impression Tips
Guys think they strike out on the first impression because of factors like the way they look or just because the chick wasn’t interested in shooting the bull. In reality, there are several minor details that the average guy fails to pick up on that are ruining his first impression on a woman.
Imagine being able to practice the first impression. Wouldn’t it make approaching and talking to women at bars much easier with the confidence of thousands of first meetings under your belt? You could eliminate all of the odd small talk and uncomfortable pauses in which you’re thinking: ”She didn’t walk away, so what the hell do I say next?”
No.10 - Focus on her
Guys who chat with women but do a hundred other things on their computers or in their rooms instead of paying attention to anything the woman has to say during the conversation. “And don’t forget direct eye contact,” “but don't stare her down. People don't like when you look at them 100% of the time; it gives them the ‘no’ feeling.”
In real life: When you’re talking to a woman at a bar she should be your main focus. Stop giggling at your friends making faces behind her back, don’t check your cell constantly and never scan around the room for other people to talk to or hit on. Pretend that she is the only person in the place for the next couple of minutes. Keep good eye contact, but don’t stare deep into her eyes. It’s creepy.
No.9 - Speak like a normal person“Don’t try and fake it,” “and don't blatantly try to use the same type of language as her. Be cool about it. People feel connected to other people when their language is similar. If she is throwing in some swear words, then you should as well.”
In real life: An important lesson a guy can take from online chat is not to just speak in terms a woman would relate to, but don’t speak in terms she would have little interest in hearing. For example, if the conversation turns to your job, make the explanation as generic and simple as possible. No need to go into every excruciating detail about every facet of your job.
World's Strongest Vagine.. (vajayjay)
42-year-old Russian Tatiata Kozhevnikova has the world's strongest vagina (Guinness World Records has validated it). Here she is proving to the world that she can attach weights to her precious little flower and lift them with ease--successfully frightening of any would-be male suitors. (re-post)
What If Nanaman Kung...?
Nadulas ka sa harap ng ultimate crush mo.. As in lagapak!
Anu palusot mo???
Anu palusot mo???
sasabhn mu...nagprapractice lang ako para sa cheering competition eh kailangan may kasamang padulas..hehehe...gusto mu partner tau...
Tayo agad tapos sabay sabi: Ginagaya ko kasi yung commercial ng lewis and pearl.. Kuhang kuha ba? parang totoo noh?
(Pagka dapa) Wag kang dumaan d2 baka madulas ka dahil ayokong nasasaktan ka.. sabay tayo at akbay sa crush.
busy kasi ako, tinitingnan ko kung safe ka. wawarningan sana kita na madulas yung sahig. pero ako pa tuloy nadulas...
grabe! totoo nga sabi ng friends ko, sobra dulas d2. ndi na ako mag a-ice skating sa MOA d2 nlng ako pang world class ang dulas! w8 lang sabihin ko to sa mga friends ko!
(sabay takbo ng mabilis!)
I think i just fell for you... tpos biglang tayo... sabay sabi ng "Gravity is not to blame for two people falling in love ngunit sadyang hinatak ako ng lupa papunta sayo.."
What If Ulit Kung...?
Nakasakay ka sa jeep at may katapat kang sexy na babae.
Nahuli ka niyang nakatingin sa breast nya! Anong palusot mo???
Ay! san ba ako tumitingin?? sorry... bulag kasi ako ...
(umarteng bulag bigla.)
miss, may langgam kasing lumalakad diyan sa damit mo.. pinanunuod ko lang yung langgam, wala kase ako mgwa eh..
miss vegetarian kasi ako..ngtataka lang ako kung panu nagkasya ang papaya jan sa damit mo. hehehehe.
"miss sensya na gusto ka sanang kunin # mo eh, kaso di ako makatingin ng diretso sa'yo.(inusente kunyari)"
(kapag meron ng ID) miss.. tinitingnan ko lang kung saan school ka..parang nasa same school tayo eh.new student pa lng ako... can u be my guide?
(tingin muna sa mukha) tapos.. Miss pansin ko parang may problema ka...
What If Kung...?
What if kung mahuli ka ng shota mo na may kasama kang iba sa iyong kwarto??? Ano ang sasabihin mo???
ahhh babe classmate ko 2 nag rereview lang kmi kc may quizz kami bukas.
(pagsinabi) asan na ung nirereview niyo?
uhm, kakarating lang namin kukuha na ako ng aklat nung dumating ka naudlot tuloy. (wahahaha)
hi babes.....i want you to meet our new yaya.....c nicole..
....hindi pa siya nka uniform kasi tinanggap siya agad n mommy...mukha daw kc syang mabait ..
Hon, jan kana pala.. friend ko nga pala nanghihiram siya ng kumot, may camping sila eh.. pina-pasok ko na para maka-pamile naman siya, tulungan mo na nga mamile, kaw ang magaling dito eh.. eto bang PINK maganda??
oh anung ginagawa ko dito sa kwarto ko?? bkt ako nand2?? cnu kau?? hala!! lasing ata ako..
In Singapore, you can't walk in YOUR OWN HOUSE naked.
Well, you could, but you'd be facing a possible $1,136 fine. If that sounds bad, wait until you see the cost of selling chewing gum. If you're caught either selling or manufacturing gum in Singapore you're looking at a fine of $5,600 and one year in jail. It's also a $284 fine if you use a public toilet and forget to flush. So on the plus side, even though you can't chew gum, at least the public bathrooms in Singapore probably smell pretty good.
Of course, Singapore isn't the only country where you can get busted for being naked in YOUR OWN HOUSE!
Of course, Singapore isn't the only country where you can get busted for being naked in YOUR OWN HOUSE!
Heroic Dog Saves Owner's House From Fire
Five-year-old Buddy guided a team of Alaska State Troopers through winding back roads to the property in a remote area some 55 miles north of Anchorage.
His owner, Ben Heinrichs, 23, was working on his truck inside his garage when a spark ignited near some fuel and caught fire, setting his clothes alight.
Mr Heinrichs managed to run outside, closing the door to stock the fire from spreading, and rolled in the snow to extinguish the flames on his clothes.
But he suddenly remembered the dog was still in the workshop and ran back to fetch him.
While Buddy escaped unscathed, his owner suffered minor burns on his face and second-degree burns on his left hand.
The dog subsequently ran off after his master said he needed help.
He was found on a road by the Alaskan police who had been alerted to the fire but had got lost.
As the police were about to turn down the wrong road, they caught sight in their headlights of Buddy who made eye contact with them and raced ahead down the right road, occasionally turning round to check they were behind him.
The dog's quick reaction meant that the fire was restricted to the outbuildings and the family's home was left unscathed.
"Buddy is an untrained dog who, for some reason, recognised the severity of the situation and acted valiantly in getting help for his family," Alaskan State Trooper chief Colonel Audie Holloway said at a ceremony to honour the dog.
Buddy, whose good deed was caught on a patrol car's dashcam video, was given a smart dog bowl as a reward, and a big rawhide bone.
His owners said they had known he was clever since they first took him as a six-week-old puppy and added that he was very brave too, having twice chased bears away when Ben was fishing.
Thoughts To Ponder
If you woke this morning
with more health than illness,
you are more blessed than the
million who won’t survive the week.
If you have never experienced
the danger of battle,
the loneliness of imprisonment,
the agony of torture or
the pangs of starvation,
you are ahead of 20 million people
around the world.
If you attend the church meeting
without fear and harassment,
arrest, torture, or death,
you are more blessed than almost
three billion people in the world.
If you have food in your refrigerator,
clothes on your back, a roof over your head
and a place to sleep,
you are richer than 75% on this world.
If you have money in the bank,
in your wallet, and spare change
in a dish someplace, you are among
the top 8% of the words wealthy.
If your parents are still married and alive,
you are very rare,
especially in the United States.
If you hold up your head with a smile
on your face and are truly thankful,
you are blessed because the majority can,
but most do not.
If you can hold someone’s hand, hug them
or even touch them on the shoulder,
you are blessed because you can
offer God's healing touch.
If you can read this message,
you are more blessed than over
two billion people in the world
who cannot read anything at all.
You are so blessed in ways
you may never even know.
If you are feeling blessed,
repay the blessings
bestowed unto you and
do something for others.
A blessing cannot be kept.
If it stops with you,
then the blessing will disappear.
The blessing will only keep working
if it is continuously passed around.
If you are a recipient of a blessing,
keep the blessing working
by being the source of blessing
to other people.
How To Make Adobong Ma-knock!
..man-tee-kah, sue-kah, at toe-yo..
..ta-pose ilagay ang ma-knock..
..halloween at tuck-pan..
..puta-yin ang kawang..
..hayan! handa na ang adobong ma-knock!
What To Expect In Japan
Technology is the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, and crafts. It significantly affect humans as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments. Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies and has allowed the rise of a leisure class... Do I sound brainy? (thanks google!)
To sum it all up, technology simply makes life easy.. But is it all worth it??
Dear God...

This is why I feel a close connection with this post. We all have a child in ourselves, and we sometimes ask God for some things that are way beyond an ordinary mans thinking. Maybe because some things have answers that are also far beyond ordinary.
But isn't it just amazing when we start thinking like a child again, and realize, we still have so many questions left unanswered?
Bakit pag GALIT.... Ang GALING mag-English?

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A Taste Of The Classics
I would have given you all of my heart
But there's someone who's torn it apart
And she's taken just all that I had
But if you want I'll try to love again
Baby I'll try to love again but I know
The first cut is the deepest
Baby I know the first cut is the deepest
When it come to being lucky she's cursed
When it come to loving me she's worst
I still want you by my side
Just to help me dry the tears that I've cried
And I'm sure going to give you a try
And if you want I'll try to love again
Baby I'll try to love again but I know
The first cut is the deepest
Baby I know the first cut is the deepest
When it come to being lucky she's cursed
When it come to loving me she's worst
I still want you by my side
Just to help me dry the tears that I've cried
But I'm sure gonna give you a try
'Cause if you want I'll try to love again
Baby I'll try to love again but I know
The first cut is the deepest
Baby I know the first cut is the deepest
When it come to being lucky she's cursed
When it come to loving me she's worst.
Chicken Soup
I Hope
I hope you surf the waves from the ocean,
big and small.
I hope you watch the sunset,
from a mountain straight and tall.
I hope you sing a song to all the angels,
loud and clear.
I hope you always try new things,
never giving in to fear.
I hope you fall in love,
with one who makes your world go 'round.
I hope that if you fall out,
your feet stay on the ground.
I hope that you can understand,
that true love waits for you.
That you may have to wait awhile,
but when it comes it will be true.
I hope you feel the sand,
hot on your toes on summer's day.
I hope you learn that sandals,
help to keep the pain away.
I hope you find a rainbow,
and realize it was worth the rain.
I hope that through your journey,
you'll learn to balance smiles with pain.
I hope that you will realize,
life isn't always on your side.
I hope you know when hope is lost,
in me you can confide.
I hope that your glowing smile,
brings someone out of gloom.
I hope you taste your life,
with more than just a sponn.
I hope that when you're lost,
you are also one to find.
And I hope that your hand,
never grows too big for mine.
I hope you watch the stars shoot by,
upon a grassy hill.
I hope you know I love you,
always have and always will.
- Laura O'Neil
Michaels in critical condition with hemorrhage
LOS ANGELES - Bret Michaels is in critical condition suffering from a brain hemorrhage, his publicist said Friday. Joann Mignano confirmed a report on People magazine's website Friday that said the former Poison frontman was rushed to intensive care late Thursday after a severe headache. The report said doctors discovered bleeding at the base of his brain stem.
Mignano said tests are being conducted and that no further information was available.
The 47-year-old reality TV star had an emergency appendectomy last week after complaining of stomach pains. He said on his website that though the surgery "has taken its toll," doctors expected him to make a full recovery.
Michaels starred on the VH1 dating show "Rock of Love" and is a contestant on Donald Trump's NBC reality show, "The Celebrity Apprentice."
Trump said in a statement Friday that he was "deeply saddened" to hear of Michaels' condition.
"He's a great competitor and champion, and I hope he will be fine," Trump said.
No more kids stuff
25 years of doing nothing. rad!
I never thought about what it would feel like to be 25 years old. Years ago I would have imagined being 25 to be completely different from what it is today. At 25 I would be married, sporting a fancy car, living in a first class village and working a high paying job.
Today I turn 25. In the past when anybody I knew turned 25, I would laugh at them simply because they were now a quarter of century in age. This is ridiculous, because in my mind I still feel like a kid yet I have this association that 25 means no more kids stuff. Well, as the saying goes.. "It takes a long time to become young" whatever the hell that means..
6 = (a day after) kinder 2 na
11 = First crush
12 = Fist fight
13 = Became a class officer (president)
16 = Graduated High School
17 = Accepted into La Salle, U.P., Ateneo de Manila but chose to be in Davao Doctors College.
18 = Got a flat 1 grade in P.E. (highest grade ever)
19 = Inom alak
20 = Pa cute2x
21 = Graduated college
21 = Became a Registered Nurse
23 = O.R. Nurse
24 = Psyche Nurse
25 = Nothing.
Things I have yet to accomplish that I know most of the people my age have already:
**blows candles**
I never thought about what it would feel like to be 25 years old. Years ago I would have imagined being 25 to be completely different from what it is today. At 25 I would be married, sporting a fancy car, living in a first class village and working a high paying job.
Surprise! I don't live in a village and I am certainly not married. As far as jobs go, yes I am a nurse, a jobless nurse. Blame it on global crisis.
When we were younger, I think it's natural to dream of life as an adult as a perfect life. I see myself being rich, living in the house of my dreams, and driving around in a car that I knew I was going to get as soon as I graduate college. Despite the fact that my ideas of 25 have not come to be my reality, I also realize that at 25 I am blessed to be here and experiencing the now as a healthy human being.
Today I turn 25. In the past when anybody I knew turned 25, I would laugh at them simply because they were now a quarter of century in age. This is ridiculous, because in my mind I still feel like a kid yet I have this association that 25 means no more kids stuff. Well, as the saying goes.. "It takes a long time to become young" whatever the hell that means..
The problem with getting older is that I get a bit more anxious when I find myself not accomplishing my goals in life. I am trying to list the major events that have happened in my life in the last 25 years and these is what I had:
3 = Inom gatas w/ chupon
4 = Inom gatas w/out chupon
6 = (day 1) kinder 14 = Inom gatas w/out chupon
6 = (a day after) kinder 2 na
11 = First crush
12 = Fist fight
13 = Became a class officer (president)
16 = Graduated High School
17 = Accepted into La Salle, U.P., Ateneo de Manila but chose to be in Davao Doctors College.
18 = Got a flat 1 grade in P.E. (highest grade ever)
19 = Inom alak
20 = Pa cute2x
21 = Graduated college
21 = Became a Registered Nurse
23 = O.R. Nurse
24 = Psyche Nurse
25 = Nothing.
Things I have yet to accomplish that I know most of the people my age have already:
- fiancé or wife
- fancy car
- house
- stable job
- an iphone
- oakley shades
- extra phone with Sun Cellular sim
**blows candles**
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